
Born: 14.10.05  Died: 29.09.09      HD:C / ED:A 
Sire:NUCH SUCH Unix du Val du Morakopf  HD:A / ED:A
Dam:INT NORD UCH St.Zamba's Heart O'Rozes
                                                                      HD:A / ED:A

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Gypzy Roze....... your life ended much too soon,
we had so much left to do together.
only 4 years old. . . why is life so unfear?!

Most of your life you lived inside with me,
you didn't like the kennels
you liked too much to be arround people - arround me
You was talking a lot, just like your father
every day we had long conversations.
You didn't understand my words...... but you allways answered me.
I miss your eyes looking up at me - begging me to understand what you said.

It was a very happy day when I understood that you were expecting puppies!
I was so much looking forward to all those hours together - - you, me and your puppies..
But then everything went wrong....
some days before you was due, you collapsed and could not stand on your feet.
We had to take the puppies out at once to save your life
Together we had a hard fight to save 13 puppies - - - 5 died after 4 days.
I struggled to get you back in shape, and you did.
You put on weight again, and was happy - playing with "Story"

And then one morning - - - I understood something was wrong.
You did not speak to me, you were only lying there . . . silent and sad.
You had a big tumor on your milt, and we decided to take it out.
Sadly there was more, much more - the cancer had taken over.
The day after the last puppy left us, you gave up.
It was then I realized how strong you had been until your work was done.....

It has taken me 5 weeks to make this memory page for you
I blame myself for mating you - to let you struggle with puppies,
but I didn't know........

Thank you for your honesty, and your loyalty...
Thank you for being my friend to the bitter end, and most of all
thank you for being the roze you were
In my heart this roze will never die!