11 puppies born 25.march 2013
6 boys and 5 girls



                             Male # 1 Longhair                                     


Male # 2 Longhair


Male # 3 Longhair


                                                                     Male # 4 Longhair                                                                       


Male # 5 Longhair


Male # 6 Shorthair


                                                             Female # 1 Longhair                                                               


 Female # 2 Longhair


Female # 3 Longhair


 Female# 4 Shorthair    


Female # 5 Shorthair


The proud parents are;


                                                                               INT NORD UCH NUCH SUCH DK CH FIN CH
   NUCH SUCH DK CH NORD CH                      WW-10 NORDV-10 NV-10 SV-10 DKV-10
                NORDV-12 SV-12                                    KBHV-10 HELSV-10 NORDV-11 SV-11
    Santomard Big Surprise              St.Zamba's Remember Romance
HD:B /  ED:A                                                                     HD:B /  ED:A

The puppies pedigree you can see here